
Centurion Signs UK Ltd

United Kingdom

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Working out of our extensively equipped premises in East Kilbride, we supply high quality signage across the UK.  We utilise state of the art digital printing processes and silk screen equipment to ensure that our signs are effective, dynamic, eye-catching and, above all, of the highest possible quality.  We know that companies want a strong brand image and our experts work closely with you to ensure that is achieved.  We offer site review, full design services and installation so you can be certain that your professional image is conveyed to the best possible effect.  From vehicle signage and wraps to construction site signs, educational and school signs and dynamic flags and banners and more, we work with you to make sure your image and message gets across loud and clear.

Vehicle Signs, Graphics and Wraps

Businesses are always looking for high profile and effective forms of advertising that don’t break the bank.  Our vehicle signs, graphics and wraps fit the bill perfectly, providing high visibility advertising that brings your company to the attention of your potential customers.  At Centurion Signs UK Ltd we use quality 3M marking films and digital vinyls to create high profile advertising that is both mobile and dynamic.  Further, we supply commercial/sale vehicle graphics, vehicle wraps and customised vehicle graphics.  Visit our website to see some examples of our vehicle signs.

Construction Site Signs

Appropriate signage plays a vital part in construction and site design, often offering the visitor or client a first impression of your company.  With Centurion Signs Ltd you can be sure that first impression is a good one, promoting a professional and consistent corporate image.  We offer a wide range of construction signage, marketing suites, displays and panels, traffic management signage, flagpoles and banners and much more.  Check out our range on our website.  Our expert designers will work with you to ensure your site signage conveys your professional image to the best possible effect.

Education and School Signs

In a typical educational establishment, be it local authority or private school, university or college, there is a need for a variety of effective signage that informs without overwhelming.  We offer a wide range of signs for use in educational settings, from traffic management signage to car park and primary signage, directories and displays, including plasma screen displays, notice boards, branding and safety signage, to name a few.  Our designers are happy to work with you to maintain the integrity of your establishment whilst providing the signage required.  Our experience working with schools, colleges, etc, throughout the country ensures that you will get the signage best suited to your establishment.

Flags and Banners

Bright and eye-catching flags and banners are one of the best ways to direct attention where you want it.  They are ideal for anything from the local carnival to school events right up to complete building wraps.  In additional to our full selection of flags and banners we offer a comprehensive range of frames and mounting devices so you can be sure of the display best suited to your needs.  Have a look at our website to check out our range of flags, banners, frames and mounting systems, including pop-up banners, which are just the thing for exhibitions and conferences where space may be limited.  Colourful, hard wearing and dynamic, our flags and banners are guaranteed to get you noticed.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
Founded:1 January, 1971 (53 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: 21-50
Annual Turnover: 1-2m
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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