
AceCad Software Ltd

Truro House
Stephenson's Way
Wyvern Business Park
DE21 6LY
United Kingdom

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AceCad Software, established in 1986, is an industry-leading developer of software solutions and IT services for construction and steel companies in the UK and around the world. AceCad is part of the international conglomerate RDS Group, with firms working in engineering, fabrication, software, and a range of related industries.

We are software specialists with more than twenty-five years of experience in developing software for construction project management and dedicated structural steelwork fabrication.

Our software products are widely used in construction and fabrication management to enhance the productivity of our customers while offering a competitively-priced product. We have pioneered solutions for the construction sector, as well as for architects and engineers, the industrial sectors, plant and process sectors, and others. Our software uses the latest computer science technology available and a deep knowledge of best practice workflow methodology.

AceCad also offers extensive technical support and training in using our software for extensive engineering work in steel fabrication and construction.

BIM & Construction

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a design system for building development that goes beyond Computer Aided Design (CAD) software – this solution is about everything to do with a building, from foundations to rooftops, including all of the building's information. BIM is, in other words, a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility and the development project of building a facility. AceCad offers a full software solution for Building Information Modelling and construction – BIMProject.


BIMProject is an industry-leading model-based management software suite. BIM models from other design software platforms can be imported into BIMProject, with data extraction for all downstream supply chains, to facilitate your management of a building project. Documents, data and models can all be monitored and controlled; this control is partly automated by the system's monitoring of changing variables within the project. BIMProject includes a range of essential features for building information modelling and model management: an estimation engine, contract and supplier management tools, tendering and purchasing management tools, costs and budget tools, a document management module, 4D and 5D planning and scheduling, and a range of other options. Please visit our website for details.


AceCad's BIMReview software product is a collaborative BIM tool for reviewing an entire construction project. The software allows for review of models and data, including importing multiple design models, arranging and reviewing data grids, checking clashes, and a number of other features; and BIMReview can help you with model enquiry and manipulation, including features for hiding and showing entities, clip plane adjustment, moving or rotating or scaling a model, and a number of other functions. Please visit our website for details.

Steel Fabrication & StruM.I.S

Steel fabrication and construction is an essential sector of the building industry – one which AceCad Software meets with a range of software solutions. Our StruM.I.S. product is a steel fabrication management and production software platform – used for companies that need a system to manage their steel fabrication process. StruM.I.S. manages the relationships and processes between different steelworks departments, suppliers and clients; the software can manage estimate tendering, procurement, production, and construction. Please visit our website for more details of this software platform.

Essentials by StruM.I.S.

The Essentials by StruM.I.S. software solution is a complete steel fabrication software management platform for less than the cost of a single CAD license. The included software modules for the Essentials platform allow for interacting with BIM and CAD interfaces, managing bills of materials, contracts management, document management, building estimations and managing enquiries, inventory control, production control, and tracking relationships with suppliers. Our Essentials software is a much-needed way for your business to keep on top of the complexities of managing steel fabrication and construction.

Technical Support

AceCad is proud to offer an experienced team of technical support experts to assist our software users with their needs – and we are thrilled to offer this support around the clock. Our world-class support is best in the industry and it ensures that our customers, once they have invested in our products, will get the most out of these powerful platforms. We can offer technical support around the world, and we offer regular support as well as special interventions; and we can be reached by phone, email, or via the web.

Technical Training

AceCad offers detailed training in the use of our software platforms – this training can be undertaken for individuals or groups at any venue that is convenient for you and your staff. And we offer online training resources for some of our software systems. AceCad's training is module-based, so that you can have in-depth training in only the areas critical to your work; and this training is offered bespoke to your specific construction and fabrication requirements.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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